Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Does Olivia Benson Need to Travel to Westeros?

It is now Wednesday and I am still finding countless posts online in regards to Sunday evenings episode of Game of Thrones.  But people are only talking about one scene in particular that didn't even last 5 minutes of the hour long episode.

Following King Joffery's death, his immediate family met around his body to mourn. Once the room was emptied out with the exception of his mother, Cersei, and his uncle/ father, Jamie, the controversy begun. Right next to their son's body, Jamie kept pushing himself onto his twin sister,  as she kept declaring "no".  All in all, that is rape, even if they have had past consensual experiences.

But wait, hasn't rape and many other countless horrific things happened alright on Game on Thrones? Yes, there totally has been.  But what separates this scene from the others is that director Alex Graves essential denies it was "rape" being portrayed since it became consensual later on.  I can't help but disagree with the director since me, along with all the other viewers, witnessed Cersei begging and crying for Jamie to stop more than once

The directors could have done a better job portraying Cersei willing to have sex with her brother. Apparently in the book she dismissed his actions at first but soon after changes her mind and does explicitly consent. On screen, her consent was not heard or known to viewers who have not read the book.

Additionally, it occurred next to their son's corpse and aired on Easter Sunday which definitely led to further unsettling reactions.

From Twitter, to Facebook, to countless blogs, viewers have poured their emotions out about this one scene but never have made such a buzz when we saw a pregnant women being stabbed in the womb or as Joffery forced prostitutes to torture one another for his pleasure.

Hopefully next Sunday night we are brought to some closure or better feelings towards what occcurred between Jamie and Cersei.

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