Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Sometimes when relaxing at  home, you realize you're becoming quite cluttered and need to get rid of unimportant items. I'm when you're browsing Facebook you get the same feeling when Suzie Jenkins uploads a new photo album and you cannot recognize her one bit.

It's nothing out of the ordinary for us to have hundreds, or even thousands, of Facebook friends whom we could care less about. So if we don't care or want these peoples as Facebook friends why keep them? Well, Facebook makes removing friends a long, and annoying, process.

Luckily for us, there is a new App available to help with the friend removal process. Duster. To 'dust' a user is the apps way of saying 'defriending'

The app will either show users 'friends' who they haven't been interacting with lately to delete, or shows a list of 'friends' that allows users to select who to delete or who they ant to see less from. This app could make Facebook more enjoyable for some people for now on since they can easily get rid of people.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Can You Miss Something You Barely Remember?

Whether you paid attention to it or not, the Poke App created by Facebook is now gone.

Personally, I forgot the app existed, let alone the option of 'poking' someone on their mobile app or desktop site. Unlike the usual pokes we're used to seeing Facebook, the Poke App also allowed users to send pictures, text, and video for up to 10 seconds until they disappear. Sound familiar?

This app sounds like an identical twin to SnapChat, except the Poke App was created a year later a clearly not as popular as SnapChat.

The few who actually used this app I'm sure are devastated. As for me (and probably the rest of us) I'm unaffected. Don't worry though guys, the original, pointless Facebook Poke that has been around since it's birth in '04 is still around, just not publicly.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beware of the Twitter Troll

Patton Oswalt (The King of Queens) has been sending out a slew of false apology tweets which has led to some controversy. 

All of the false apology tweets began with how he had just "deleted his last tweet". One tweet read:
Previous Tweet very hurtful. Already deleted. & are national treasures. As are our Native American friends.
Some people began to think he was making racist remarks, rape related jokes, and anything else that offended them when he never truly did.  

The point of his tweets was to prove becoming outraged over anything is so common today over the internet. He created the false apologies to get a reaction from people and since nobody ever saw the "tweets he deleted" they became outraged at his apologies. 

He had done this once before last summer. His tweets when read together said nothing politically incorrect, but he strategically separated them into two tweets to see who would become angry (and who isn't reading everything)

 Whatever opinion you may feel about Patton's Tweets, he is just trolling you. He wants to prove all we do is cause a reaction to anything we read online. Be careful of who's really being offensive versus the harmless trolls on the web. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seniors Mock the Freshmen Wherever You Are

Over the past couple of days, the video of Ariana Grande's performance at the iHeartRadio awards has been going viral. It isn't solely because of her performance though. The video can be found here.

About two minutes into the performance, the camera goes to Rihanna and she is seen giggling at Ariana's dancing, in a mocking manner. I have been seeing and hearing countless sites, radio stations, blogs, and more posting and discussing the video.

On Tumblr, I had seen GIF-sets created that were being reblogged like crazy.

Neither Rihanna or Ariana have spoken anything about the video.

I'm not a major fan of either performer personally, I feel indifferent towards them. But I do feel Rihanna should have been a better sport, I'm sure we all can think of occasions in which we mocked her and her artistic decisions.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Shame on Shaq

The other day, Shaquille O'Neal got himself into some trouble when posting an image on his Instagram account, mocking a fan who suffers from Ectodermal Dysplasias; a very rare condition which leaves the person with thin, sparse hair, missing teeth, and other abnormalities.

All over Twitter and other social media accounts, Shaq has received comments of criticism and disappointment. Since then, thankfully, the image has been removed from his Instagram.

Although the boy in the image, 23 year old Jahmel Binion, says he is used to being ridiculed, the post was still quite hurtful. Binion did find light to bring to the situation by creating the HUG DON'T JUDGE Facebook page.  He hopes to shine light on and reduce cyberbullying

Since the incident, Shaq has released a public apology on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Does Olivia Benson Need to Travel to Westeros?

It is now Wednesday and I am still finding countless posts online in regards to Sunday evenings episode of Game of Thrones.  But people are only talking about one scene in particular that didn't even last 5 minutes of the hour long episode.

Following King Joffery's death, his immediate family met around his body to mourn. Once the room was emptied out with the exception of his mother, Cersei, and his uncle/ father, Jamie, the controversy begun. Right next to their son's body, Jamie kept pushing himself onto his twin sister,  as she kept declaring "no".  All in all, that is rape, even if they have had past consensual experiences.

But wait, hasn't rape and many other countless horrific things happened alright on Game on Thrones? Yes, there totally has been.  But what separates this scene from the others is that director Alex Graves essential denies it was "rape" being portrayed since it became consensual later on.  I can't help but disagree with the director since me, along with all the other viewers, witnessed Cersei begging and crying for Jamie to stop more than once

The directors could have done a better job portraying Cersei willing to have sex with her brother. Apparently in the book she dismissed his actions at first but soon after changes her mind and does explicitly consent. On screen, her consent was not heard or known to viewers who have not read the book.

Additionally, it occurred next to their son's corpse and aired on Easter Sunday which definitely led to further unsettling reactions.

From Twitter, to Facebook, to countless blogs, viewers have poured their emotions out about this one scene but never have made such a buzz when we saw a pregnant women being stabbed in the womb or as Joffery forced prostitutes to torture one another for his pleasure.

Hopefully next Sunday night we are brought to some closure or better feelings towards what occcurred between Jamie and Cersei.

Sarah has Stayed Sassy

Not too long ago I wrote about how Sarah Michelle Gellar tweeted that she would cancel her Vogue subscription because of the Kim & Kanye cover. Well, Sarah tweeted to her followers once again but with another annoyance.

And once again myself, I can totally agree with her (and I swear it's not because I'm biased!).  You know that song, "Happy"? It's been played nonstop lately and the song almost sounds like it's just the same few lines looping forever and forever? Well Sarah, (and myself!), has had enough of it so she shared this silly meme with her followers

With 892 retweets and 1,028 likes, Sarah is clearly not alone. Pharrell we all love you, that's not the issue. But jeez, this song has gotten out of control. A professor of mine even founds a 24 hour looping video of it, pure torture.

I always thought the sass Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Kathryn (Cruel Intentions) were just apart of their characters. They were probably done so well because Sarah has some natural sass in her.

She has no reason not to be happy with a new series and a gorgeous family. But, like I said, we've all clearly had enough of Pharrell's ridiculously upbeat song.