Sunday, March 23, 2014

Look Around Everywhere You Turn Is.... Kimye

It's no surprise to have Kim Kardashian and fiance Kanye West all over the news and trending on social media. But this past week, with the release of their Vogue cover, that have been dominating. 

The first trending topic I found, and thoroughly enjoyed, was the tweet sent out by Sarah Michelle Gellar regarding the issue. The tweet read, "Well......I guess I'm canceling my Vogue subscription. Who is with me???". As a major fan of Gellar, especially when it comes to her part in the Buffverse, I loved and retweeted this immediately.

Kim's sidekick, on the other hand, was no as excited about this tweet as I was. TV personality Jonathan Cheban retaliated by tweeting "Do u matter?" Well Jonathan, with true talent since she was 3 years old and did not gain her fame through being an heiress' sidekick, I would say she matters much more than you.

On a more amusing note regarding Kimye's Vogue cover, Seth Rogen only found it appropriate to create his own photoshopped parody featuring him and pal James Franco as Kanye (James) and Kim (Seth). Seth initially posted his work on his personal Twitter account. Many online users found this to be absolutely hilarious, especially since the pair also created a parody of Kanye's "Bound 2" video a few months earlier.

Photo via @Sethrogen

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